Thursday, 27 August 2009

Haven't been on here for a few weeks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

To be honest I haven't really had a very good "weight loss" time so was a bit fed up and not in the right mood to be posting,,,,, although I guess I should still do it even when I'm not feeling so positive ??

Since my last entry,,,,, I have gained, lost and sts lol,,,,,, I'm actually 2lbs UP on what I was so have gone back down to only having lost 12lbs !!

I've given up going to ww's because I can no longer attend the class I used to go to due to work, I start my new job on 7th September but have had some temping work so haven't been going to class as the one I went to was in the mornings !

I really think that is my downfall,,,,, I KNOW I need the discipline of attending class as it keeps me on track, but I think I've kind of ended up back in "the old frame of mind" again and I will have to get my arse into gear again pretty soon if I am to achieve my ultimate goal by xmas !!

I have 3 stones to lose and am not sure if I'll do it or not ? I'm gonna do my best though and am hoping that when I'm working, it'll be easier to get back into "tracking" my points etc,,,, I even have the points scales now so it shouldn't be an issue, it's all in my head again and I know where I'm going wrong, all I have to do is STOP !!! sounds so easy when you say it,,,,, not so easy to DO

Monday, 17 August 2009

Happy wedding anniversary to us lol

Yep,,,poor old Andy has had to put up with me for 13 years (18 if you count our courtship) now there's a word you don't hear often LOL

I still don't have a start date for my new job yet sadly but am hoping to hear from them this week,,,, I really need to get started now,,,I'm very bored !!

Have had a pretty good week, diet wise,,,,although I didn't point at all I still lost 1 lb so thats ok,,,going down instead of up is always a bonus.

Oh have you heard the new song by Peter Andre ?? Behind closed Doors,,,,brill sound,,,,luvit go Peter go !!!

Not really much to report this time,,,,,,,,,, l8rs guys

Sunday, 9 August 2009

This piccy has just been taken,,,,, I've lost my 1st stone and am very happy !!
The past 2 weeks of not being particularly goo didn't do any damage, I lost 1lb which is what I needed for my 1st stone so I can cope with that.
My next target is 10% of my weight,,,, so have about 6 lbs to lose for that one. I find it easier to manage if I go for "bite sized" targets lol,,,,,not such a huge obstical that way.
I've had some great news about the job too,,,,, they got back to me on Thursday afternoon and offered me the job so I'm made up !! the pressure is off a bit now and I can actually see a light at the end of the tunnel.
I don't have a start date yet but hoping it wont be too long,,,,, I'm going to have to buy a car now too coz I'll be working between 2 sites,,,,,,,, Christchurch hospital and Bournemouth hospital.
Thats all for now guys,,,,,, next time I'll be reporting another loss and hopefully a start date for the job,,,,,

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

I haven't been on here for a few days,,,,, not had a brilliant week,,,, the ww's seems to have gone completely to pot since I started doing some temp work for the agency. I havn't been organised with my food so basically have just been eating anything handy,,,,DOH

I got weighed last week and had stayed the same,,,, I am due to get weighed again tomorrow and because I'm working it isn't possible to go to class so will have to use the scales at home,,,, fingers x'd I won't have done too much damage !!!

I had another interview today and will know by Friday how I got on,,,, I felt it went well but the again all my interviews do,,,, you just never can tell lol,,,,

I guess what will be will be as Doris Day once said !!

Well I'm going now coz I'm bored,,,,, lol,,,,, till next time,,,,,,mwoah !

Friday, 24 July 2009

Just had to share this with you,,,,,,,,,,, my new hair do,,,,,,,,, had it done today and I love it,,,,,,,, the style is great and the highlights are glorious !!

I've waited months to get this done.

Just in time too coz I have 2 job interviews coming up in the next 2 weeks. 1st one next Thursday and the second the following Tuesday,,,,, fingers x'd for me lol.

Nothing weight related today,,,,, but wanted you to see my hair,,,,, yayyyyyyy

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Hi guys,,,

Have had a bit of an up and down week to be honest, I think the dissapointing result of last week affected me more than anticipated.

I've struggled to stick to my points this week,,,,,, not going over,,,, but being under pretty much every day and I think it's had a slowing down effect on my weight as I only lost .5lb today so am still 1 lb away from that elusive 1st stone loss !!!

I have decided that this week I must eat all my points and hopefully next week I'll lose more weight. It's difficult when you're not particularly hungry, for whatever reason.

I'm still job hunting like a bloody maniac and filling in application forms both online and paper ones, I've just got another one to do today,,,,, I'm at the stage where I'm asking myself "why bother" nobody wants to employ me !! Then I realise that I have to continue coz otherwise there's going to be huge problems in the coming months as we cannot afford to stay here and pay this high rent so off I go now to do the application and hope that maybe next week when I get weighed and post on here,,,, there may be good news for a change !!

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Well here I am in all my yukky glory,,,,, lol,,, This is 8 weeks into the weight watchers programme and I thought it'd be a good idea to take regular piccys,,,,no matter how revolting they are,,,,, so I have some sort of reference point as I'm losing the weight,,,,because lose it I will
Having said that I'm not a happy bunny today. Had my WI at class and stayed the same. I was gutted because I always weigh myself on WI day at home 1st thing in the morning before I go to WI and according to my scales I've lost 2lbs,,,,, compared to MY WI last week,,,, yet the scales at class reckon I haven't ??? boohoo
I'm not going to let this throw me off track tho' it's making me more determined to carry on !! I want that 2nd silver 7 next week and my 1st stone GONE,,,,, I will have my victory lol
At class today there was a young girl who had just reached her target weight,,,,, losing a total of 62 lbs in just over 9 months !! she looked great, she was very pretty anyway but with the loss of all that weight she looked really good. I was very pleased for her as she'd worked so hard.
Also it was nice that I could get a bit of an idea how long it could take me to lose the 63lbs I want to,,,12.5 gone ONLY another 50.5lbs to go,,,,, doesn't sound too bad if you say it kwik !!!! lol

Friday, 10 July 2009

It's been a funny few days. I've been ok with my food but still haven't done much exercise ! I'm naughty really because I know if I did more I'd lose more weight but I really can't motivate myself.

I had a sneaky peak at the scales this morning tho and I haven't lost anything since weigh in so am going to have to do something to pull off that 1.5 lbs loss I need for next week,,,, so I get my 1st stone. I'm lucky that the weekends are no challenge for me coz Andy's usually working so it's just like any other day.

May be getting a second hand bike soon,,,,, then I'll get more exercise coz Andy and I will go riding together, it all helps. Mind you I am terrified of them lol,,,, don't know why ? guess I'm just strange.

Well I'm off now to do some housework,,,, maybe if I put some jazzy music on I'll dance around with the hoover and duster and get a workout ? lol

Wednesday, 8 July 2009


I had my weigh in today and have lost 3.5lbs this week !!!

Amazed, astounded, flabbergasted,,,,,, I also reached my 5% goal and have lost 12.5lbs in 7 weeks,,,,,,,, so am well pleeeezed :-)

On the down side of life,,, I have had really bad pains in my tummy all day for some reason, I have no idea why and have drunk loads of water to try and help,,,, boohoo

This is a short blog so will try and find something to chat about next time.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Well,,, here we go again,,, new week,,,, the weekend was ok. I met up with Andy and the girls from the charity fishing trip on Saturday evening for a drink. They had a good day and all caught some fish so they were pleased !
I struggled over the weekend to keep in my points, I seemed to be hungry for some strange reason but hey,,, can't be plain sailing, coz that's not what my life's like,,,,lol
Spent a lot of yesterday laughing,,,,, at Andy,,, naturally,,,,, he was painting his canoe, which is laying on the stairs, he missed his footing and fell down the stairs ! It was hilarious,,,, all I heard was a thud followed by aaarrrrrgggghhhhhhhhh,,,,,, so I ran into the hallway and peered over the top of the stairs and there he was lying in a heap at the bottom of the stairs with his head against the door,,,,,lol,,, I couldn't help him coz I was laughing so much. He was ok,,, no damage done, except to his pride,,, he was laughing too so that was ok. Tell you,,,, never a dull moment !!
I've been contemplating whether I should change my weigh in day and class or not. The past two weeks I've been to my local class which is at 10am on Wednesday,,,, simply coz it's literally a 2 minute walk up the road from me and it's in the morning which I like coz I'm at my lightest then lol. However the class I registered at is on Wednesday evenings at 6pm,,,, the only problem with that is it's further away and there are a few people there who like to dominate the talks ! As it is at the moment I'm ok going in the mornings,,,, but when I get a job I'll need to go to the evening class,,,, but as I don't know how much longer it's going to take to get a job, I don't know if I should transfer to the morning class or not,,,,,, so,,,,, you see my quandry???
Well,,, I'm sure I'll make a decision before next class. Doh. lol

Saturday, 4 July 2009

I've had a few really good days food wise,,,, not done so good with the exercise, I can't seem to motivate myself !! never mind,, I'll get into it eventually.

This hot weather we've been having seems to have affected everyone apart from me ?! I haven't lost my appetite at all,,,,, I have however found it harder to sleep, but then I'm a rubbish sleeper anyway and always take hours to drop off.

It's Andy's birthday today,,, he's gone fishing,,, well not strictly true, there's a charity fishing trip in aid of breast cancer,,, all women,,,,so the skipper of the boat Andy normally goes on has asked him to join them to "help out",,,, so he won't be fishing, he's there to put the bait on the hooks and take the fish off the hooks and basically help the women, some of them have never fished before so he'll tell them what to do. So,,,,, every mans dream really,,, stuck in the middle of the sea with 10 women lol,,, not so sure it'll be their's tho,,, he'll probably get thrown overboard if he tells too many of his daft jokes !! lol

I'll be going to meet up with them all at the end of the day coz there's a presentation in the local pub,,,, and as it's his birthday he'll have a few pints so muggins will have to drive home.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Well I had my weigh in yesterday and was dissapointed that I only lost 1lb,,! I'd had a good week and been more active so was expecting 2lbs,,,,, never mind,,,,, draw a line under it, this is a new week and I have to stay focused and positive coz it'd be so easy to give up ! but THIS TIME I'm not going to

Andy has gone fishing today, the weather is glorious so I hope he doesn't come back sunburnt again, he does every time he goes fishing,,,,lol,,,

I'm not sure what my plans are for today yet, I have washing and ironing to do and of the course the obligatory job hunt !!! don't know why I'm bothering, I get no interviews and only rejection letters, I'm really getting downhearted now and feel as if I'm ready for the scrap heap ! I don't know why employers don't employ people on their merits and not on their age, I know they say they don't discriminate but they bloody well do !

This is getting to be a bit negative so I'm going to pop off and do some exercise to get rid of my pent up anger,,,lol,,I may be back later,,,,if not I'll see you next time

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

mmmmm,,,,, red suede shoes. I bought these shoes 2 years ago and have worn them once! I find I can't wear them while I'm so over weight,,, so these are one of my "targets",,,, to be able to get them on and walk for a bit and they feel comfy. lol.

Well so far this week it's been good, since getting back on track on Saturday I've had good days, made good choices food wise and done a bit more exercise,,, not that I ever enjoy exercise, I hate it and always will but I now know it's a necessary evil,,,,very evil if you ask me !! So I'm hoping for at least 1lb loss tmoro at WI,,,,, fingers x'd

Nothing else much happening at the moment, I'm still waiting for a job,,, I've applied for everything possible over the past few weeks. All of the jobs have long end dates for the applications tho, so from actually applying to hearing about interviews can sometimes be as long as 6 weeks !! it's so frustrating. I get annoyed to when I hear people moaning about work,,,,DO THEY NOT REALISE HOW LUCKY THEY ARE ??? ggggrrrrrrrrrrr

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Christchurch Priory,,,, nice isn't it.

Well after having 2 rotten days,,, I got back on track yesterday and have been very good so am back to feeling positive about my weight loss. I have to admit that I am quite surprised,,, pleasantly so,,, at how easy weight watchers has been over the past 6 weeks. Normally I would be ok for 2 or 3 weeks and then lose the plot totally and give up,,,, vowing never to do any other diet plan !! Then a few months later would be trying some other quick fix,,,, failing spectacularly again,,,,, putting more weight on and then deciding to try something else,,, and so it would go.

I have avoided weight watchers for years basically because of my 1st experience way way back in 1972,,,,,, now I think I should have given it a go before now,, but hey at least I have started doing it now and am very happy with what I'm achieving. The best bit is that no foods are banned as long as you point everything you can have anything. Brill.

Friday, 26 June 2009

O,,,,,,M,,,,,G,,,,,,, I can't believe it, Michael Jackson has died !! He was a brilliant, talented artist and the music world will be the poorer for his loss

I had a pretty good day yesterday, food wise, even though I had a rotten day in other ways. I'm pleased that I didn't turn to food, which is my normal response to stress or anger. I must be "learning",,,,,lol,,,, I'm just wondering how long it takes to actually "get into the habit" of doing weight watchers,,,you know,,,how long before it becomes natural to eat properly ? I'm into my 6th week now and it's still all a bit of a minefield for me. I have to check in the book quite a lot as I'm not sure of the points of some foods,,,,, the ones I eat often though I do know,,, so I guess that's a good sign???

I'm still waiting to hear about jobs, I've applied for a few that the end date is today so IF I'm gonna hear it won't be till next week,,,so YET another week of fingers x'd !! The agency rang me on Wednesday to say they'd put me forward for a part time temp job to start on Monday, but as yet I haven't heard anymore so I'm guessing I haven't got that either. I don't care what anyone says,,,AGE is definately a huge barrier to getting work ! everyone always says "oh they can't discriminate on age",,,,, B******S,,,,, they CAN and they DO,,,, I always have really good interviews,,,, but don't get the job,,,,then receive great feedback,,,, so if I'm doing so great, why am I not getting the job ? Answer: someone younger gets it. Anyway,, off my soap box now and going to do some housework. Byeeee

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Foxy in the garden !!

Well, today is not a good day,,,, I feel really bad about not pointing yesterday,,,, I didn't enjoy the food I ate anyway and felt sluggish and bloated and just horrible !! I really won't do that again. It's so true what they say at weight watchers "fail to plan, plan to fail" ,,,, and I did.

Anyway I've drawn a line underneath it and have started again this morning, completely on track, had porridge for brekky and jacket spud with cottage cheese for lunch so feel happy with that.

Well what can I say,,,, it's a few hours since I did the first part of this blog,,,since then things have taken a turn for the worse and how I haven't turned to food I don't know,,, !! Went to pick Andy up from work and got to the car only to find a bloody parking ticket on it,,,long story,,,but suffice to say it has upset me immensely,,, basically there is a 30 minute limit for parking but as we live here we don't have anywhere else to park,,,,, the council just say go in one of the side roads,,,but the nearest one is a five minute walk away and there are enough spaces for about 5 cars !!! Useless. I'm going now.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Just a quick report tonight.

I'm absolutely shattered,,,, Andy and I have spent the day in Swanage, the weather was gorgeous and we walked a lot so I just want to chill.

BUT,,,,I had to report that I had my weigh in today,,,I have lost a further 1.5 lbs,,,, so that's a total of 8 lbs in 5 weeks,,,, I'm very happy with that and more importantly I got my 1st SILVER 7 and am made up,,,,, great achievement for me,,, only 6 lbs to go till my 1st stone !! Yippeee

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Well,,, I haven't had a good start to the day. Firstly I had to go and have a fasting blood test done so I was very hungry,,,,, had blood taken ok and got home. Had some porridge for brekky coz it always fills me up nicely,,,, then I put my lappy on and got this email from a guy who bought my old mobile phone off me about 2 weeks ago,,,,saying that it was working ok but now it isnt, it keeps going off by itself and he cant get it back on,,, then it's ok and then it goes off again and he wants to return it to me and have his money back !! I'm not happy about that coz if it was ok and now it isn't surely that isn't my problem,,,? but I don't want him to contact ebay and complain coz I've got 100% feedback,,,, bummer,,,don't know what to do so will have to have a think.
Soooooooo,,,,all this b4 lunch time !! hope it doesn't knock me off course coz I've been doing really well this week and It's weigh in tmoro so don't wanna blow it,,,I'm pretty sure I've lost at least 1.5 lbs this week.
I did my Rosemary Conley exercise dvd this morning,,, so I'm keeping up with the bits of exercise to try and maximise my weight loss,,,, (still hate it),,,lol,,, hopefully when I next report it'll be to say YIPPEE,,,,got my silver 7 !! lol

Monday, 22 June 2009

Oh how I wish I was there again now,,, Egypt,,,,lovely

Well I've just had a really nice lunch,,,pitta bread with low fat houmus, wafer thin ham, loads of salad followed by a pear. I've had a good few days and feel very posisitve about my weigh in on Wednesday.

I received The Biggest Loser workout DVD this morning. Well what can I say ? It's very energetic and looks really hard work but it also looks really good,,,,lol,,,what I do like is the fact that the BL contestants are the ones doing the workouts with Richard (phew!!) and Angie and it's not a class of people who exercise regularly together and never get any steps wrong,,,it's funny in places watching them get things wrong or,, like Katey,, hardly MOVE !!! lol,,, it does look really good tho so I'll give it a go, I'll probably need an oxygen tent half way through but hey it's exercise.

On a different note,,,I'm off to trim the front garden hedge now.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

LOL,,,,, just luvit !!

Well I've had a really good day today,,, I've kept within my points and have made filling choices with my food so am feeling very smug ! I've just made a delicious chicken balti from my weight watchers recipe book and it was really good,,,I was surprised coz a lot of the recipes are a bit incipid :-( ,,,,,, to say the least,,,,, and I am nicely satisfied now.

I also did my exercise dvd this afternoon so that's good too. I can't wait till my new workout dvd arrives,,,I've ordered "THE BIGGEST LOSER" workout dvd and it shoul be here on Monday. Good value too off Amazon £10.98, instead of almost £18,,,,I just hope it's hard work and that you don't need loads of equipment coz I don't have anything ! lol

I had a nice long phone conversation with one of my good friends who I haven't seen or spoken to for quite a few months, so that has also helped to brighten my day. All in all I'm a very happy bunny today !! lets hope this mood continues.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

I was 3 stones lighter in this photo than I am now and I can't believe I let myself go so much !! trouble was it kinda crept up on me over a few years and so I didn't really notice it.

This time it's not going to happen,,,,once I have lost the weight I'm going to be more consious of what I'm doing.

I didn't have a very good weight loss last night,,,,only half a lb,,,,I really wanted 1 lb so that I'd get my silver 7 award from class,,,but I will do it next week and a bit more. I went for a power walk this afternoon which doesn't seem very exciting (it wasn't lol) but an achievement for me as I hate exercise but more than that I don't like being outside doing it,,,, I imagine everyone going past me in cars thinking "god look at that big fat lump,,,she should go home",,, I'd much rather go to the gym and run on the treadmill,,,,but at the moment I can't afford to so the great outdoors it is for me then !! lol I know it'll all be worth it when I've lost all my excess weight and flab but it's all soooo far away,,,,a long journey, and I never did travel well.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

I thought I'd stick this picture on,,,taken on holiday in Egypt about 4 years ago, I think. Andy and I were on a trip to a secluded island where we all did some snorkelling. I'm not sure I actually liked it,,, it was lovely to see all the fish and so close too,,,but I don't like the snorkel noises coz as you are under the water everything sounds amplified and my breathing was getting louder and louder and in the end I had to get out of the water !! However the day was very nice and relaxing.

Back to the present. I've had my weigh in tonight and wasn't very happy, I only lost half lb. I was hoping to get 1 lb this week coz that would have meant I'd lost half a stone, and that's a bit of a goal,,,,but never mind I'll do it at next weeks weigh in, just got to be really aware of my points and try harder!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Just thought I'd put this one on,,,fathers day coming up and all,,,I was about 12 in this photo with my dad. Sadly he passed away in March so this will be the 1st year without him. I wish I was that slim now!

I've not been having such a good week this week,,, I keep thinking I have been sticking to my "points" each day but some days have gone over and then tried to claw them back the next day without much success,,,and as far as exercise is concerned,,,forget it, I seem to have lost the will to do anything. I reckon it's because I'm still worrying about work. I want to join my local gym but without the money it's not possible. The sooner a job turns up the better. Well have not had a good week so am not going to carry on bleating,,,,so,,,bye for now.

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Well,,,,what can I say ? Picture taken at about the exact time I decided that enough was enough and I HAVE to lose weight. I look a right mess and felt horrible, it's moments like these that I remember, I can count on one hand the times I've looked at a photo of me and actually didn't cringe inside. I hate photo's.
I've had a really good week so far with my eating plan, I've made sure I planned my meals and have prepared well in advance,,,,I'm not very good at being organised so for me this in itself is an achievement. I've pretty much had all my points for each day and have drunk 2 litres of water,,,,not great for your sleeping patterns,,,up at least 3 times at night running to the bathroom for a pee, but hey it's all weight coming off so I shouldn't really complain. I'm filling up on zero point foods and have made some really tasty zero point soups too,,,,so all in all I'm feeling very positive and quite happy about my future weight loss.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Well I did the exercise dvd,,,,I actually did a longer session than I normally do so that's gotta be good.

This photo was taken when I was about 12, with my cousin Chris, so I haven't always been huge. I'm not sure when the "real" weight started to pile on but I can't ever really remember being anything other than fat, isn't that weird coz quite obviously from this photo,,,I wasn't always fat. I think the problems start as soon as you begin to diet, certainly in my case they did. I was 10 stones and decided I needed to diet, what was that all about ? I've only ever been 10 stones once in my life since then and that was after I'd done the Lighterlife programme.
With each "diet" I did I gained more weight as soon as I stopped,,,lesson to be learnt there. Either don't start a diet or don't stop one lol.

I am thinking positively about the weight watchers plan that I'm doing now though, it seems far more user friendly and because it doesn't ban any foods you don't feel deprived of anything, as long as you plan your meals and allow for treats it's quite easy, not like dieting at all,,,in fact I hate that word, "diet" it sends you into "eating frenzy" mode as soon as you say it ! I'm not on a diet,,,, I'm following the weight watchers plan, that sounds so much better lol. This time I am going to get to goal and stay there.
This is the most recent photo I have,,,it was xmas 2008 with my boys, Rob on my right, Paul on my left. As you can see there is a huge difference between me in that photo and the one taken in 2002 ! This photo made me "wake up" and decide to do something, but until now I wasn't in the right frame of mind to act on my decision.

I had my 2nd weigh in and had gained half a lb, I wasn't really surprised as I had found the plan difficult to stick to in my 2nd week coz Andy was off work on his hol and we had a few days out and I hadn't stuck to the plan properly,,,I failed to plan (as they say) and the scales showed the results of this failure. But I wasn't going to lose heart and give up (something I do all the time) I am determined that this time I am going to continue with what I've started and actually achieve something ! I'm so fed up of being a loser.

I really ought to do some exercise too,,,but at the moment I can't get motivated,,,I think if I had a job it'd be better coz all I'm concentrating on right now is job hunting, I can't really think of much else,,,,,spose I could dust off my Rosemary Conley/Coleen Nolan DVD and give that a go a couple of times a week ? In fact, I'm gonna do it NOW,,,,,,,I'm off,,,,,,see you later guys xx

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

This photo was taken in August 2002 not long after losing just over 3 stones on the Lighterlife programme. I felt great and didn't look too bad either. Sadly, since then the weight has crept back on and I've tried different things over the years,,,the usual quick fixes,,,pills and potions and daft things that cost a lot but didn't do much !! I decided 4 weeks ago that enough was enough,,,,I'd hit 14 stones !!! my heaviest ever and I've had enough. I feel old, fat, frumpy, lethargic, depressed and very unsexy. Soooooooo,,,,,I decided to give weight watchers another go. I checked it out on the internet first and reading about it realised that actually it had changed a huge amount since 1972, when you had to eat liver twice a week and fish 5 times a week etc, etc, etc,,,, all of which was a nightmare coz at 15 I wasn't really into liver !! eeeeuuuukkkk
I bought a monthly pass,,,that way I knew I had to attend the group at least 4 times coz I'd already paid plus there was no registration fee. So off I went, nervously, to my first meeting. It was ok, I got a nice little bag with some books and leaflets and guidance on what to do. My leader set me a 5% goal and I am working towards it now. I went home, sat down and planned my meals for the coming week. I had to use 18 points so that sounded ok, not too daunting I guess. Anyway I got on with the task in hand, watching carefully that I didn't go over my points, checking the correct weights and measures. Don't get me wrong I didn't spend all week weighing and measuring food, it isn't that strict and no food is banned which is great coz you can have your little choccy fixes and crisps etc as long as you point them,,,most foods are listed in the little book you get so I couldn't go wrong. After the first week I went to weigh in and had lost 4 lbs !!! I was made up and spurred on to continue.