Friday, 24 July 2009

Just had to share this with you,,,,,,,,,,, my new hair do,,,,,,,,, had it done today and I love it,,,,,,,, the style is great and the highlights are glorious !!

I've waited months to get this done.

Just in time too coz I have 2 job interviews coming up in the next 2 weeks. 1st one next Thursday and the second the following Tuesday,,,,, fingers x'd for me lol.

Nothing weight related today,,,,, but wanted you to see my hair,,,,, yayyyyyyy

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Hi guys,,,

Have had a bit of an up and down week to be honest, I think the dissapointing result of last week affected me more than anticipated.

I've struggled to stick to my points this week,,,,,, not going over,,,, but being under pretty much every day and I think it's had a slowing down effect on my weight as I only lost .5lb today so am still 1 lb away from that elusive 1st stone loss !!!

I have decided that this week I must eat all my points and hopefully next week I'll lose more weight. It's difficult when you're not particularly hungry, for whatever reason.

I'm still job hunting like a bloody maniac and filling in application forms both online and paper ones, I've just got another one to do today,,,,, I'm at the stage where I'm asking myself "why bother" nobody wants to employ me !! Then I realise that I have to continue coz otherwise there's going to be huge problems in the coming months as we cannot afford to stay here and pay this high rent so off I go now to do the application and hope that maybe next week when I get weighed and post on here,,,, there may be good news for a change !!

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Well here I am in all my yukky glory,,,,, lol,,, This is 8 weeks into the weight watchers programme and I thought it'd be a good idea to take regular piccys,,,,no matter how revolting they are,,,,, so I have some sort of reference point as I'm losing the weight,,,,because lose it I will
Having said that I'm not a happy bunny today. Had my WI at class and stayed the same. I was gutted because I always weigh myself on WI day at home 1st thing in the morning before I go to WI and according to my scales I've lost 2lbs,,,,, compared to MY WI last week,,,, yet the scales at class reckon I haven't ??? boohoo
I'm not going to let this throw me off track tho' it's making me more determined to carry on !! I want that 2nd silver 7 next week and my 1st stone GONE,,,,, I will have my victory lol
At class today there was a young girl who had just reached her target weight,,,,, losing a total of 62 lbs in just over 9 months !! she looked great, she was very pretty anyway but with the loss of all that weight she looked really good. I was very pleased for her as she'd worked so hard.
Also it was nice that I could get a bit of an idea how long it could take me to lose the 63lbs I want to,,,12.5 gone ONLY another 50.5lbs to go,,,,, doesn't sound too bad if you say it kwik !!!! lol

Friday, 10 July 2009

It's been a funny few days. I've been ok with my food but still haven't done much exercise ! I'm naughty really because I know if I did more I'd lose more weight but I really can't motivate myself.

I had a sneaky peak at the scales this morning tho and I haven't lost anything since weigh in so am going to have to do something to pull off that 1.5 lbs loss I need for next week,,,, so I get my 1st stone. I'm lucky that the weekends are no challenge for me coz Andy's usually working so it's just like any other day.

May be getting a second hand bike soon,,,,, then I'll get more exercise coz Andy and I will go riding together, it all helps. Mind you I am terrified of them lol,,,, don't know why ? guess I'm just strange.

Well I'm off now to do some housework,,,, maybe if I put some jazzy music on I'll dance around with the hoover and duster and get a workout ? lol

Wednesday, 8 July 2009


I had my weigh in today and have lost 3.5lbs this week !!!

Amazed, astounded, flabbergasted,,,,,, I also reached my 5% goal and have lost 12.5lbs in 7 weeks,,,,,,,, so am well pleeeezed :-)

On the down side of life,,, I have had really bad pains in my tummy all day for some reason, I have no idea why and have drunk loads of water to try and help,,,, boohoo

This is a short blog so will try and find something to chat about next time.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Well,,, here we go again,,, new week,,,, the weekend was ok. I met up with Andy and the girls from the charity fishing trip on Saturday evening for a drink. They had a good day and all caught some fish so they were pleased !
I struggled over the weekend to keep in my points, I seemed to be hungry for some strange reason but hey,,, can't be plain sailing, coz that's not what my life's like,,,,lol
Spent a lot of yesterday laughing,,,,, at Andy,,, naturally,,,,, he was painting his canoe, which is laying on the stairs, he missed his footing and fell down the stairs ! It was hilarious,,,, all I heard was a thud followed by aaarrrrrgggghhhhhhhhh,,,,,, so I ran into the hallway and peered over the top of the stairs and there he was lying in a heap at the bottom of the stairs with his head against the door,,,,,lol,,, I couldn't help him coz I was laughing so much. He was ok,,, no damage done, except to his pride,,, he was laughing too so that was ok. Tell you,,,, never a dull moment !!
I've been contemplating whether I should change my weigh in day and class or not. The past two weeks I've been to my local class which is at 10am on Wednesday,,,, simply coz it's literally a 2 minute walk up the road from me and it's in the morning which I like coz I'm at my lightest then lol. However the class I registered at is on Wednesday evenings at 6pm,,,, the only problem with that is it's further away and there are a few people there who like to dominate the talks ! As it is at the moment I'm ok going in the mornings,,,, but when I get a job I'll need to go to the evening class,,,, but as I don't know how much longer it's going to take to get a job, I don't know if I should transfer to the morning class or not,,,,,, so,,,,, you see my quandry???
Well,,, I'm sure I'll make a decision before next class. Doh. lol

Saturday, 4 July 2009

I've had a few really good days food wise,,,, not done so good with the exercise, I can't seem to motivate myself !! never mind,, I'll get into it eventually.

This hot weather we've been having seems to have affected everyone apart from me ?! I haven't lost my appetite at all,,,,, I have however found it harder to sleep, but then I'm a rubbish sleeper anyway and always take hours to drop off.

It's Andy's birthday today,,, he's gone fishing,,, well not strictly true, there's a charity fishing trip in aid of breast cancer,,, all women,,,,so the skipper of the boat Andy normally goes on has asked him to join them to "help out",,,, so he won't be fishing, he's there to put the bait on the hooks and take the fish off the hooks and basically help the women, some of them have never fished before so he'll tell them what to do. So,,,,, every mans dream really,,, stuck in the middle of the sea with 10 women lol,,, not so sure it'll be their's tho,,, he'll probably get thrown overboard if he tells too many of his daft jokes !! lol

I'll be going to meet up with them all at the end of the day coz there's a presentation in the local pub,,,, and as it's his birthday he'll have a few pints so muggins will have to drive home.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Well I had my weigh in yesterday and was dissapointed that I only lost 1lb,,! I'd had a good week and been more active so was expecting 2lbs,,,,, never mind,,,,, draw a line under it, this is a new week and I have to stay focused and positive coz it'd be so easy to give up ! but THIS TIME I'm not going to

Andy has gone fishing today, the weather is glorious so I hope he doesn't come back sunburnt again, he does every time he goes fishing,,,,lol,,,

I'm not sure what my plans are for today yet, I have washing and ironing to do and of the course the obligatory job hunt !!! don't know why I'm bothering, I get no interviews and only rejection letters, I'm really getting downhearted now and feel as if I'm ready for the scrap heap ! I don't know why employers don't employ people on their merits and not on their age, I know they say they don't discriminate but they bloody well do !

This is getting to be a bit negative so I'm going to pop off and do some exercise to get rid of my pent up anger,,,lol,,I may be back later,,,,if not I'll see you next time